Wednesday 1 January 2014

Review of the year

So that was 2013.

Different dates but the same old stories.

Maybe this New Year will be different and maybe pigs really will fly sometime in the next twelve months.

It’s all been written before and all you need to do is look back in these archives and change the names.

Prophesies for 2014?

Another States department will be shown as shambolic but still it won’t be anybody’s fault.

Politicians will call for things to be done and changes to be made across the board but nothing will actually get done except for maybe agreeing a few pay rises or investigative trips abroad.

SAP will continue to be the success it already is but nobody will get the blame except for the users.

Financial cuts will still need to be made but money will still be wasted on vainglorious projects.

Our local media will keep up its high standards of investigative reportage unless Facebook breaks down.

Our Education system will be tinkered with, argued about, and generally messed up but without addressing the elephant in the room.

In short, more of the same as last year and last year and…

(To be resumed if anything truly original happens)

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