Saturday 19 May 2012

11% more value!

Isn’t it amazing how there is always just enough news to fill our daily paper.

Never too much, so that some juicy item has to be carried over until the next day, and never too little, so that we have blank spaces dotted about the pages.

Or have I got it wrong?

How often have you read that gushing theatre review of a show which closed last Saturday?

Then we have those dull days when everyone is scrabbling round for something to say and praying that one of our politicians does something stupid or interesting and preferably both at the same time.

I suspect I may be late to this idea but wonder if more than a few people crossed their ballot papers with entertainment value in mind.

What I find more interesting is the magical effect of newspapers.

No, I’m not praising them but indicating their illusory effect of reporting real news.

Why does the Great Alphonso adorn the lovely Diane in sparkly scraps? Hey, look over there while I do something we don’t want you to see as the real “magic” is done behind backs or otherwise hidden from public view.

Remind you of anything?

Major issues do occasionally get highlighted if someone kicks up enough of a stink but only if something sensational is revealed or can be concocted. Otherwise it will be buried pre-mid paper in slabs of thick text written by disinterested reporters praying for someone important to take a tumble down Smith Street.

Canny local politicians must wish for these desert days so that they can feed their little drips of comment into the grateful parched hands of a local media too busy to dig an investigative well of their own. Guaranteed front page splash.

And such good value too.

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