Friday 27 April 2012

Not even good for wrapping chips

I thought I was in a minority bemoaning the lack of quality in our local newspaper but the more people I talk to, the more I realise that there is a substantial disquiet.

Some even suggest that it isn't even good enough to keep your chips warm as the cheap ink rubs off everywhere.

In defence of our Press I must say that they are not alone.

Newspapers generally these days seem to be in the business of selling newspapers rather than reporting the news. Accuracy is sometimes sacrificed for sensationalism, within the bounds of legality (usually), and analysis has been replaced with commentary, sometimes ill informed.

Thankfully I have had little professional contact with our local newspaper but when I have had, the details printed are invariably less than 100% accurate. Other people report the same problem so I do wonder just how much we should trust of what we read.

On the other hand, if you provide a Press Release to them, it is not uncommon to see it reprinted almost word for word. This may well be true for all newspapers but I thought the idea of a press release was to alert the paper to something that might be newsworthy so that they could get a reporter to contact you and get the full story. 

Perhaps the days of the nosy or investigative reporter are gone.

Again in their defence, there have been times when the Press has done a good job of harassment of the powers that be, knocking down the barriers and getting the release of information that should have been available in the first place.

On other occasions though one does sense that the outrage of the Editor’s comments are there to stir up a story rather than promote a stand for ethical behaviour. 

But maybe I’m being cynical. It has been known.

Another thing creeping in is the reporting of social media comments rather than actually talking to people. I’m sure it is much easier to concoct a story from written comment rather than finding out the facts and full opinions of the participants but is it journalism?

Why do I still buy the Press?

Because it is the only way to know what is going on in the Island without listening to local radio all day.

Because, in their wisdom, our planning authorities deem it sufficient to notify of planning applications via the Press rather than writing to neighbours.

Because, sometimes, there is something genuinely newsworthy to read.

Would I buy an alternative if it were available and of better quality.


Could I do better myself and if I could, would it actually sell newspapers?

I don’t know.

As I have found from this blog, undertaking a regular output of comment is sometimes taxing and doing it on a daily basis would turn into a full time job. I also reckon that it would be an impossible task for one person. You would need a team of trustworthy reporters.

As the Press itself regularly proves, it is a lot easier to sit on the sidelines and take pot shots through comment than getting out there and being a proper investigative journalist.

So the best I can do for now is join in and take possibly ill informed pot shots.

Anyone else got an opinion?

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